There comes a time in a man's life when he says NO.
That is done neither out of necessity, nor out of caprice.
It is not enforced, implied, brought upon, improvised, spoken lightly, either for argument or for fun. No ; it comes out of stern belief for the validity of its expression, the righteousness of the cause it expresses. It embodies an effort for a better future, a strive for ones' excellence.
That and there, is where one NO from you, does mean a YES for your life ; for your being.
That and there, is where one NO from you, does mean a YES for your life ; for your being.
"This is deep" you may say, but bare in mind, however simple a word may be, its utterance is not superfluous, and definitely never without significance. Because it's about you, and the things that you choose to do, or the acts that you don't.
Think about you.
Think about you.
Think about what your life encompasses.
You definitely must have some "luggage" by now, either physical, social or imaginary, it does not matter.
Think what your living would like to embody.
If it does not include some of that "luggage", I would suggest you'd be not that eager to drop it ; at least not just yet. Be subjective, be aloof or proactive, just don't drop that "luggage" yet.
Because "luggage", being items, mental assets or people, is what has defined you and your actions so far, and unless you are an nihilist - which I strongly advise against - you do not wish to lose that "luggage" yet.
If you do, you may end up in a serious slump, more serious than the one you already feel you're in. Nobody wants to be left without a torch, when the room gets dark.
Be impulsive. Strain yourself when you have the chance to do it safely. Creativity, improvisation, your survival instinct will surely kick in. None of that would be feasible without your "luggage", because in it you have stored your survival kit. Your "luggage" is your "edge". Do not listen to people that advise you on the contrary. Lesser men, have less than you do. If you lose what you have, then the faster they become equals.
Saying NO is a tragedy.
It always has been, and it will always be.
Therefore, don't make it a parody, don't drag it too long, don't berate yourself or torture others in the process, with your indecisiveness.
Be firm. Be precise and concise.
Analyze and synthesize. Hell, that is also deep, but don't neglect the fact that you already know how to do it. For example, everyday you ask yourself what to eat. Then you analyze your needs, your available options, and then you synthesize (by taking decisions as well) as to how and what to make for dinner (or whether to go and buy it, which is really bad if you are doing it all the time). The process is built into you.
Exercise these abilities.
At first they will feel cumbersome, but after some time you will feel comfortable with them, and then by no time you shall start refining them, and be able to apply them at will, on every aspect of your life.
They are essentially those processes that will get you to the "NO" doorstep (and will ring the bell as well). Now, whether you shall enter or not, is of course entirely up to you ; but don't make it a big fuss.
Remember, it is primarily about you, and the things that you will do, or won't do. Why raise a commotion ?
Be silent for others, and strict to yourself.
After all, saying no is a transition. You need to have control over it in order to be successful. Otherwise it will just be a roller-coaster for all involved, or in the worst case a fun park where you play the leading role as the head clown. If that sounds melodramatic, then wait till you reach that stage. Then we talk.
Explore. You never know when you'll surprise yourself again.
Have faith in yourself. Don't pray, it will only diminish you and the effort towards any potential decision that you may take ; rational or irrational. Say NO, when you are able to stand your case, not before God but before your own self.
So, smile (or gloom, for all I care) when it is time to say NO, and actually mean it.
Saying NO is a tragedy.
It always has been, and it will always be.
Therefore, don't make it a parody, don't drag it too long, don't berate yourself or torture others in the process, with your indecisiveness.
Be firm. Be precise and concise.
Complex problems do have simple solutions.
That is because complex problems, are an assortment of simple questions (or simple decisions). As far as you are able to comprehend that simple questions need simple answers, that may be all you need to get you started. Combine those answers in an intelligent, simple fashion. After all - philosophically speaking - most of the available answers out there are similar in form or application.Analyze and synthesize. Hell, that is also deep, but don't neglect the fact that you already know how to do it. For example, everyday you ask yourself what to eat. Then you analyze your needs, your available options, and then you synthesize (by taking decisions as well) as to how and what to make for dinner (or whether to go and buy it, which is really bad if you are doing it all the time). The process is built into you.
Exercise these abilities.
At first they will feel cumbersome, but after some time you will feel comfortable with them, and then by no time you shall start refining them, and be able to apply them at will, on every aspect of your life.
They are essentially those processes that will get you to the "NO" doorstep (and will ring the bell as well). Now, whether you shall enter or not, is of course entirely up to you ; but don't make it a big fuss.
Remember, it is primarily about you, and the things that you will do, or won't do. Why raise a commotion ?
Be silent for others, and strict to yourself.
After all, saying no is a transition. You need to have control over it in order to be successful. Otherwise it will just be a roller-coaster for all involved, or in the worst case a fun park where you play the leading role as the head clown. If that sounds melodramatic, then wait till you reach that stage. Then we talk.
Explore. You never know when you'll surprise yourself again.
Have faith in yourself. Don't pray, it will only diminish you and the effort towards any potential decision that you may take ; rational or irrational. Say NO, when you are able to stand your case, not before God but before your own self.
So, smile (or gloom, for all I care) when it is time to say NO, and actually mean it.

Get rid of the old "yeses cycle" in your life, and plunge to your new-found enlightenment. It is a new beginning. A new chance of making new and better ; a whole new series of novel and unexplored "yeses" to be had, made or given.
There comes a time in a man's life when he says NO ; and that is final, as well as irrevocable.
The latter probably goes without saying.
// please let the queen know, that I had to say no.