04 November, 2013

Zazou bazaar & café in Lisbon

Zazou is a very curious and interesting place, and they managed to have two things most people love when they’re traveling, a nice typical shop + typical delicacies and wine! This can be a winning commercial strategy. If your average traveller can buy some local produce / things, while having a glass of wine and sample some of local food or delicacies, than you have the potential of maximizing your turnover. On their facebook page you can read the following… “some call me the madness, others, the flare of irreverence. poets say i am a salon and artists claim me as a new rendez-vous point. gourmands say that i am a treasure trove of the noblest Portuguese fare, retrieved from by-gone days. some call me courage in times of crisis, others see in me a gamble on just the right measure of innovation. i have been called a mecca of true Portuguese arts and crafts, the counterculture to high prices, I've been called a bazaar or a wine shop but i admit, i prefer to be called simply Zazou.”

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