07 July, 2013

Handibot : a unique power tool

The Handibot is a new kind of portable, digitally-controlled power tool for cutting, drilling, carving, and many other machining operations – a first Universal Digital Power Tool (UDPT) – or just, a Smart Tool. If you're familiar with industrial CNC (computer numerically controlled) equipment, think of the Handibot tool as a portable version of CNC. But instead of taking material to a stationary machine, you bring the Handibot to your material ; that being your jobsite, your remodeling task, your project, your work, etc. That essentially means that you can put your Handibot tool to work on a table, the floor, the ceiling, the wall, wherever you need to precisely cut, drill, or carve. Armed with a software application developed just for the kind of job you need to do, a Handibot tool is ready to go to work on your job, task, or project with a squeeze of the “Start” button. [1]

Arcs, curves, complex shapes, and 3D forms are no challenge for digital cutters. The tools will cut a curve or complex form as easily as a straight line. They can cut virtually anything with precision and repeatability. There is an almost unimaginable range of jobs and tasks for which the Handibot will be helpful.

Handibot is the creation of ShopBot Tools, a North Carolina innovative company which designs, manufactures and distributes professional CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) routers for milling, drilling, and cutting of wood, metals, plastic and other materials ; powerfully, precisely, and affordably. ShopBot founder Ted Hall created the company to make the power and precision of CNC technology affordable by individual 'makers' and small to midsize manufacturers.

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