05 May, 2013

the Daily Secret for your city

Came across a video lately that I really liked for its photography and music. However, I would like to speak about the underlying business concept. Daily Secret is a daily email with the best that your city has to offer. They send you one secret every day and ask that you share it only with your close friends. Well they also send an occasional sponsored mail, but that is beyond the beauty and simplicity or the straight-forwardness of their business model. Daily Secret is a provider of what most of us in tight, job-driven lives, that have neglected the elements that make us special, may seek ; the uniqueness of close knowledge, the competitive edge that the possession of "secret knowledge" may bring to our social status. This company of people, packs it nicely, and delivers it, everyday to your electronic doorstep. No hassle for you to discover new, or older places, people and activities. Of course, you give something back, in terms of knowledge dissipation and the news-forwarding (that let's face it, you would do either way) to your own social community. Simple, rewarding, efficient and very effective. The latter I mean as an ad-delivery platform (that can be also focused, well-targeted, and potentially measurable). It is good for business whether you are a local, craving to get to know your city, or a foreign traveler, starving for that special experience.

A short but concise description, in their own words : "Daily Secret is a free daily email that makes life just that much more interesting. Each weekday we send you a secret about your favorite city. Whether it's a picnic spot in a forgotten park downtown, an impromptu dance lesson in an open square, or a cocktail in a secret back room, our secrets help you discover those special experiences you never knew existed but now can't live without. Want to hear something crazy? Daily Secret didn't start as a business. In fact, it began as a "good karma" project in mid-crisis Athens, Greece as a way to remind people what they love about their city. It wasn't too long before we realized that cities all over the world were starving for a daily dose of positive energy. Twenty-two cities later... well, the rest (as they say) is history." And that is the story more-or-less.

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