25 January, 2013

Molleindustria games

Paolo Pedertsini was born in 1981 somewhere in Northern Italy, and now lives in Pittsburgh and has taught at Carnegie Mellon University. Somewhere during this simple biography, Paolo opened the La Molleindustria site, creating games on social and critical topics. Pretty rare you may think, but each time a game was released it stroke a perfect hit in various pain centers of this modern world. In his own words : "Since 2003 we produced homeopathic remedies to the idiocy of mainstream entertainment in the form of free, short-form, online games. Our products range from satirical business simulations (McDonald’s Video game, Oiligarchy) to meditations on labor and alienation (Every day the same dream, Tuboflex, Unmanned), from playable theories (the Free Culture Game, Leaky World) to politically incorrect pseudo-games (Orgasm Simulator, Operation: Pedopriest)."

In June 2007 the game Operazione: Pretofilia (Operation: Pedopriest), inspired by the controversial BBC documentary Sex Crimes and the Vatican, was removed from the site after a point of order in the Italian Parliament called "Countermeasures to the religions' offences". In April 2009, Molleindustria initially bowed to complaints from the Organisation of the Islamic Conference by removing Faith Fighter from their site, but later put up a new version that gives the player the choice between a full and a censored version. Molleindustria has later started producing a sequel that promotes religious pluralism and tolerance. Both games have since been put back on the website. In September 2011, Molleindustria released a game entitled Phone Story for smartphones that was promptly banned from the Apple iTunes Phone Story focused on what Molleindustira called the "dark side" of smartphone manufacturing. When Apple banned the game Molleindustria released the game for the Android market. All the funds raised from the game were donated. The game is now available for free online. [1]

List of games (not complete) :
Tamatipico-a game based on the life of a worker.
Tuboflex-a game based on the need of human resources.
Orgasm Simulator-a game based on how women sometimes fake orgasms.
Enduring Indymedia-a game based on the FBI seizing Indymedia web servers.
Queer Power-a game based on how homosexuals change gender roles.
Mcdonald's Videogame-a game based on how the fast food industry works.
Operation: Pedopriest-a game based on the sexual abuse cases of the Catholic Church.
Faith Fighter-a game based on religious intolerance.
The Free Culture Game-a game based on the struggle between free culture and copyright laws.
Oiligarchy-a game based on how the oil industry works.
Every Day the Same Dream-a game about short existence, alienation, and refusal of labor
Memory Reloaded-a game based on recent issues in the world.
Leaky World-a game based on the issues of Wikileaks.
Phone Story - a game that looks at the hidden world of smart-phone manufacturing.
Inside a Dead Skyscraper- a game about the September 11 World Trade Center attacks.
Unmanned - a game about the life of an unmanned drone pilot.

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